Thursday, December 6, 2012

diy burlap wreath

We were recently introduced to burlap wreaths!  And fell in love immediately of course.  I decided to make a holiday gift project out of our new discovery and just finished making NINE as Christmas gifts for family and friends.  I made sure to hand them out at Thanksgiving so everyone could display them during the holidays.

It only took about two evenings to complete.  And by two evenings, what I really mean is that I worked on them on my living room floor while toddlers excitedly rummaged thru all of my supplies and did their best to "help".  By the end my four year daughter was arranging her own clusters of beads, tilting her head and saying...this looks beautiful, right Mommy?  It was actually a delightful evening or two!

I decided there are enough tutorials on "how to make a burlap wreath" out why crowd blogspace with my own rendition of exactly the same directions. 

Here's the blog I used:

I varied it a little during my mass production though.  I was using burlap twine and hot glue by the end to adhere my embellishments...the wire just wasn't working for me :)

Here are some photos of row + harlow wreaths...